Hi Cyber Babies. Today on The Mother Love show, Mother Love talks with Donte Morrison, Toneteon Loyce Johnson & Donnie Hue Frazier III to share their mission of awareness and stopping the spread of HIV/Aids with their "Let's Fight Back! Lets take...R3VNG (REVENGE) on this disease.
Donte Morrison, Toneteon Loyce Johnson & Donnie Hue Frazier III join Mother Love in studio to share their mission of awareness and stopping the spread of HIV/Aids with their "Let's Fight Back! Lets take...R3VNG (REVENGE) on this disease.
They offer FREE HIV/AIDS testing couples counseling group meetings and more
About the Fellows
Donte Morrison, Program Coordinater for Aids Project LA Health & Wellness
Toneteon Loyce Johnson
Age: 23
Origin: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Mail Handler for United States Postal Services | Activist | Culinary Artist
Reason for getting involved with R3VNG: The ability to give back to the community. Especially the young generation. Feels that sex and STDs are not discussed enough with and amongst young people.
Donnie Hue Frazier III
Age: 23
Origin: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Prevention Training Specialist | Activist | Accessories Designer
Reason for getting involved with R3VNG: To use education and influence as a means to raise awareness and reach out to youth on a larger platform. As well as help reshape the way people think and talk about HIV and HIV testing as a whole.
APLA Health & Wellness
3717 S. La Brea Ave, Suite #204
Los Angeles, CA 90016
P: 323.329.9912
F: 323.294.3949