Hi Cyber Babies on today's show "Mother Love" talks with "Rebecca Grande" & Evan Tischofer" from "The Village Family Service" primarily Latino communities of Southern California San Fernando Valley
Rebeca Grande, BA & Evan Tischofer, Peer Coach with The Village Family Services join Mother Love in studio to share resources and tips for emancipating and transition youth.
About The Village Family Services
The Village is distinguished by our overriding philosophy that children and families come first, all the time, in all ways. No child in need of our services is ever turned away. When a child is abused or neglected, we are there. When a homeless teen has nowhere to turn, we provide help and hope. When a parent reaches out for parenting skills, we support him/her in becoming the best parent he/she can be. We do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of a child. Our services are brought directly to children and families through a series of bold, family-focused programs. From mental health to parenting, from foster care and adoption to our renowned “Wraparound” services, our programs work together to break the cycle of abuse and promote healing. And even though our focus is on residents of the San Fernando Valley, there are no geographic boundaries on the breadth and depth of our services. If a client family moves to a neighboring county, our therapists stay with them to ensure continuity of care and a positive outcome.